Through a creative and eco-conscious approach, plastic bottles are transformed into beautiful plastic owers, showcasing the synergy between art and environmental responsibility. Against the tranquil backdrop of undisturbed snow, these upcycled wonders bloom in a stunning array of colors, their intricately crafted petals arranged to create a captivating spectacle. Photographs of these extraordinary owers against the snowy landscape embody the spirit of sustainability and artistic expression, encouraging us to reconsider the potential of discarded materials and appreciate nature's beauty in unexpected forms.
Merry-go-round, 2022
Merry-go-round, 2022
Blue Daffodil, 2022
Blue Daffodil, 2022
White Caviar Flower, 2022
White Caviar Flower, 2022
Left to right; 1. Merry-go-round, 2. Blue Daffodil, 3. White Caviar Flower, 2022
Cassiopea the Upside-Down Jellyfish, 2022
Cassiopea the Upside-Down Jellyfish, 2022
Deep Diving Jellyfish, 2022
Deep Diving Jellyfish, 2022
Blue Farfalle, 2022
Blue Farfalle, 2022
Left to right; 1. Cassiopea the Upside-Down Jellysh, 2. Deep Diving Jellysh, 3. Blue Farfalle, 2022
Ladies’-eardrops, 2022
Ladies’-eardrops, 2022
Rose of Me, Not Sharon, 2022
Rose of Me, Not Sharon, 2022
Ms. Clear Push-Pin Pearl on an Icing Nozzle, 2022
Ms. Clear Push-Pin Pearl on an Icing Nozzle, 2022
Left to right; 1. Ladies’-eardrops, 2. Rose of Me, Not Sharon, 3. Ms. Clear Push-Pin Pearl on an Icing Nozzle, 2022
Left to right; 1. Clear Blue Dandelion, 2. Passion Flower, 3. Farfalle, 4. Mantis, 5. Daisy, 6. Silver Sea Holly, 7. Cindirella’s Skirt, 8. Blueberry boi,  9. Elsa, 10. Armpit Scented Flower Rolling on Ice, 11. Crazy for Day Z, 12. Ms. Clear Push Pin’s Twin Sister, 2022
 Baby Blue Medusa, 2022
Baby Blue Medusa, 2022
Miss Clear Push Pin, 2022
Miss Clear Push Pin, 2022
Jellysh Kissed, 2022
Jellysh Kissed, 2022
Left to right; 1. Baby Blue Medusa, 2. Miss Clear Push Pin, 3. Jellysh Kissed, 2022

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